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Anything is makeabl

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Our Story

Makeabl was founded with one objective in mind: to synergise cutting-edge tech with human experience to create a revolutionary ecosystem for businesses & users.

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Our Vision

Our mantra is to create a "smart" world where each generation is able to benefit from a bespoke platform specifically catered to their likes & tastes.

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Our Technology

Makeabl tech constantly engages with user behaviour & feedback. From using AI to generate content to using Facial Recognition to simplify processes, we know that anything is makeabl.

About Us

capturing moments, memories & experiences

How it Works

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ai technology

Experiences are processed using cloud-based ai engines that instantly map Guests with their content. In seconds, video & photo content is created & delivered seamlessly to the Guest's smartphone allowing for maximum Guest satisfaction.

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Once Guests visit your venue, we want them to enjoy the moment & have fun! By creating an unobtrusive environment where experiences are captured using state of the art capture technology, we allow Guests to truly enjoy the experience.

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As each piece of content is processed, Guests receive real-time notifications on their app. The content can be edited with video & photo backgrounds delivering experiential content that can be shared instantly on any social media platform.

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